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Today we’ll have fun watching these two little girls, Mila and Emma, who have gone viral with their videos on the web.





1. Emma plays a stressed mother.

2. The water in the bowl is too hot.

3. Emma feels like a zombie.

4. They have a real sauna in the house.

5. Mila asked Emma to clean up the mess as payment for her services.


2. MATCH:  


1. I know you are all tired and stressed

2. Let’s make you feel

3. I can’t even

4. Cucumbers are great

5. Ah, that really hits


a) set the table

b) alive again

c)  for dark circles

d) with your busy lives.

e) the spot.




-Hi guys. I know you are all tired and stressed with your busy lives.

Today I'm going to show you how to belax this summer... the Mila way

Here, we have a stressed mother


-I am dead inside


-Let’s make you feel alive again


-Nice place you got here


-Worked for my whole life for it…  you just got to set your goals, you know?


-I can’t even set the table


-I hope this is not too hot dear


-Um, it’s ice cold


-Like your soul! Have some imagination!

Cucumbers are great for dark circles… and bath salt




-Now, we got some fresh avocado. Yep, now this is your color.


-You’re right! I do feel like a zombie! Ah, that really hits the spot.


-I’ve been doing this a long time. Are you ready for the sauna?


-You guys have a sauna?


-We just upgraded it!


-Ah, steam…


-Now for the final touch… spray tan! For a natural sun kissed look. Without the damage!


-Maybe some emotional damage!


-So, are you belaxed, Emma?


-Totally… what are you charging?


-It’s free for you! Just clean up this mess till mom gets home!





-Oi pessoal. Eu sei que vocês estão todos cansados e estressados com suas vidas ocupadas. Hoje eu vou te mostrar/ mostrar a vocês como "serlaxar" neste verão do jeito Mila . Aqui nós temos uma mãe estressada.

-Eu estou morta por dentro

- Vamos fazer você se sentir viva novamente

- Lugar legal que você tem aqui.

- Trabalhei toda a minha vida por isso ... você só precisa definir suas metas, sabe?

-Eu não consigo nem pôr a mesa.


-Espero que isso não esteja muito quente querida.


-Está gelado (como gelo)!


-Como sua alma! Tenha alguma imaginação!

Pepinos são ótimos para olheiras… e sal de banho




-Agora, temos um pouco de abacate fresco. Sim, agora esta é a sua cor.


-Você está certa! Eu me sinto mesmo como um zumbi! Ah, isso realmente “acerta em cheio” (é o que estou precisando).


-Eu faço (venho fazendo) isso há muito tempo. Você está pronta para a sauna?


-Vocês tem uma sauna?


-Nós acabamos de dar um upgrade nela!


-Ah, vapor ...


-Agora, para o toque final ... bronzeado spray ! Para um visual natural beijado pelo sol. Sem o dano!


-Talvez algum dano emocional!


-Então, você está “serlaxada”, Emma?


-Totalmente ... o que (quanto) você está cobrando?


-É grátis para você! Apenas limpe essa bagunça até que a mamãe chegue em casa!






TO BELAX = a pun (trocadilho) with the word relax. Meaning you don’t have to RElax (-re meaning do sth again), because you can BElax (be in that state).

DEAD = morto, morta

ALIVE = vivo, viva

TO SET GOALS = definir metas

TO SET THE TABLE = pôr a mesa

CUCUMBER = pepino

AVOCADO = abacate

DARK CIRCLES = olheiras

TO HIT THE SPOT = acertar na mosca, em cheio (no que era necessário)

TAN = bronzeado

STEAM = vapor

TO CLEAN UP = the process of both cleaning and organizing a place.




3. FILL IN THE GAPS: Remember: you can do this as a listening exercise, but try to do this just by using your intuition and familiarity with the language. Ask yourself: “What’s the most obvious word to go in here?” Then you can play the video and use your listening skills to check your answers.


Hi guys. I know you 1._____  all tired and stressed with your busy lives.


Today I'm 2._______ to show you how to belax this summer... the Mila way

Here, we have a stressed mother


I am dead inside


Let’s make you 3.________ alive again


Nice place you got here


Worked for my whole 4.______ for it…  you just got to set your goals, you know?


I can’t even set the table


I hope this is 5.______  too hot dear


Um, it’s ice cold


Like your soul! Have 6._______ imagination!

Cucumbers are great for dark circles… and bath salt




Now, we got some fresh avocado. Yep, now this is your color.


You’re right! I do feel 7._____  a zombie! Ah, that really hits the spot.


I’ve been doing this a long 8._____ . Are you ready for the sauna?


You guys 9.______  a sauna?


We just upgraded it!


Ah, steam…


Now for the 10.______ touch… spray tan! For a natural sun kissed look. Without the damage!


Maybe some emotional 11.________!


So, are you belaxed, Emma?


Totally… what are you charging?


It’s free 12._____  you! Just clean up this mess till mom gets home!





1. TRUE OR FALSE  1.T 2.F 3.T. 4. F   5. T


2. MATCH:  1.d 2.b 3.a   4.c 5.e




1. are

2. going

3. feel

4. life


6. some



9. have


12. for

See you next week ;)

How To Belax The Mila Way

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