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Have you seen the film “A Star Is Born”? In this video, Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga (both doing something for the first time)  talk a little bit about it :)






1. Bradley thinks you have to make an effort to let the character go.

2. He feels sad when he can’t feel the character anymore.

3. Lady Gaga dyed her hair back to blonde because she didn’t like her brown hair in the movie.

4. Bradley and Gaga were doing something for the first time in the project.

5. The response to the film has been really good.

2. MATCH    

1. How do you say goodbye to those

2. I know it sounds hokey but the character leaves you

3. It’s like I didn’t want

4.  But, uh, dying your hair blonde

5. We both have dedicated our lives to

a) when it’s ready to leave you.

b) to feel that anymore.

c) telling stories through different medium.

d) characters when it’s time to do that?

e) doesn’t do it.



-This was such a rich creative process, you put so much of yourselves into this film. How

do you say goodbye to those characters when it’s time to do that?

-It’s hard. It’s not a conscious thing. I know it sounds hokey but the character leaves you

when it’s ready to leave you.

-What does that feel like?

-Sadness and uh, sadness. Yeah, ‘cause you can’t quite feel it anymore.

-I remember when we wrapped I immediately dyed my hair back to blonde because I was so

depressed because of the loss that she experiences in this film. It’s like I didn’t want to feel that anymore. But, uh, dying your hair blonde doesn’t do it. You know, it’s been a long time

now since we filmed,  and I still feel very much like her and feel very much of all of the

things that she was feeling throughout the whole movie.

-And you were both trying something new here.  Does it feel different to see, like, the incredible response to this film than to what you’ve already seen?  

- I mean, it was the most gratifying artistic experience I’ve ever had, so the fact that

it feels like people are receiving it the way that I wanted them to — it’s just kind of wonderful. It’s the reason why we did it. We didn’t do it so that we could both sit back and go “Wasn’t this great?” to each other. I mean we both have dedicated our lives to telling stories through different medium.  

-Thank you so much

-Thank you

-Thank you so much



-Este foi um processo criativo tão rico, vocês colocaram tanto de si neste filme. Como

vocês se despedem desses personagens quando é hora de fazer isso?

-É difícil. Não é uma coisa consciente. Eu sei que soa piegas, mas o personagem deixa você

quando estiver pronto para sair de você.

-O que isso parece?

-Tristeza e, hmmm...  tristeza. Sim, porque você não consegue mais sentir isso.

-Eu me lembro quando nós finalizamos. Eu imediatamente tingi meu cabelo de volta para loiro porque eu estava tão

deprimida por causa da perda que ela experimenta neste filme. É como se eu não quisesse mais sentir isso. Mas, tingir seu cabelo loiro não faz isso. Você sabe, já faz muito tempo agora desde que filmamos, e eu ainda me sinto muito parecida com ela e sinto muito de todas as coisas que ela estava sentindo durante todo o filme.

E vocês dois estavam tentando algo novo aqui. É diferente ver a incrível resposta a este filme do que ao que vocês já viram?

- Quero dizer, foi a experiência artística mais gratificante que já tive, então o fato de que

parece que as pessoas estão recebendo da maneira que eu queria - é maravilhoso. É a razão pela qual nós fizemos isso. Nós não fizemos isso para que pudéssemos nos sentar e ir "Não foi ótimo?" Um para o outro. Quer dizer, nós dois dedicamos nossas vidas a contar histórias através de um meio diferente.

-Muito obrigado


-Muito obrigado



HOKEY - piegas

CHARACTER - personagem

SADNESS - tristeza

TO WRAP - embalar, "finalizar" (no contexto)

TO DYE (sth) - tingir, pintar algo

LOSS - perda

BLONDE - loiro

THROUGHOUT - ao longo de

GRATIFYING - gratificante

TO SIT BACK - recostar, sentar relaxado

MEDIUM - meio, mídia



-This was 1.___  a rich creative process, you put so much of yourselves into this film. How

do you say 2.___ to those characters when it’s time to do that?

-It’s hard. It’s not a conscious thing. I know it sounds hokey but the character leaves you

when it’s 3.___ to leave you.

-What does that feel like?

-Sadness and uh, sadness. Yeah, ‘cause you can’t quite feel it 4.___.

-I remember when we wrapped I immediately 5.___ my hair back to blonde because I was so

depressed because of the loss that she experiences in this film. It’s like I didn’t want to feel that anymore. But, uh, dying your hair blonde doesn’t do it. You know, it’s been a long time

now 6.___ we filmed,  and I still feel very much like her and feel very much of all of the

things that she was feeling throughout the 7.___ movie.

-And you were 8.___ trying something new here.  Does it feel different to see, like, the incredible response to this film than to what you’ve already seen?  

- I mean, it was the most gratifying artistic experience I’ve ever 9.___ , so the fact that

it feels like people are receiving it the way that I wanted them to — it’s just kind of wonderful. It’s the 10.___ why we did it. We didn’t do it so that we could both sit back and go “Wasn’t this great?” to each other. I mean we both have dedicated our lives to telling stories through different medium.  

-Thank you so much

-Thank you

-Thank you so much



1. TRUE OR FALSE:   1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T   5.T

2. MATCH   1.d 2.a 3.b   4.e 5.c


1. such

2. goodbye

3. ready

4. anymore

5. dyed

6. since

7. whole

8. both

9. had

10. reason



#37 - Bradley Cooper & Lady Gaga On 'A Star Is Born'